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Half Square Half Crazy

Éric Mangion (dir.)

Half square half crazy examines the revisitation or re-utilization of forms and devices derived from minimal art by numerous contemporary artists. Taking into account their current co-optation by the culture and design industries, these artists expose the contradiction inherent in the neo-avant-gardes of the 1960s, between the aspiration for autonomy in art and the heteronomy of the means used to achieve it. Revisiting the aporias of such a historical legacy, the practices discussed here engage a new “party” that privileges accident over essence, “deformalism” over formal resolution, and dysfunction over rational efficiency.

Published following the eponymous exhibition by Vincent Pécoil, Lili Reynaud-Dewar and Elisabeth Wetterwald at Villa Arson, Nice (February 10 to June 10, 2007) under the invitation of Eric Mangion. 

ISBN : 978-3-905829-06-8

176 pages, illustrations couleur, 17 x 24 cm, version anglaise, 2007

Editeur(s) : Villa Arson, Nice - JRP|Ringier


Éric Mangion (Directeur); Vincent Pécoil, Lili Reynaud Dewar, Elisabeth Wetterwald (Auteurs-trices)

Partenaire(s) :

Pro Helvetia, Fondation d'entreprise Ricard et Vacances Bleues, American Center Foundation, Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication, Conseil Régional Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, Région Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, Ville de Nice

Design :

Claire Moreux et Olivier Huz, Lyon